Fictional Interview with Lady Gaga - fictional interview with an artist who impacted the society
This interview is based on the song "Born This Way" (song that is written to criticize bullying" Why did you write this song? I wanted to speak out to bullies who makes people feel like a loser no matter how many people is a fan of you, or how many number one hits you have! Who was your worst bully at school? There were a lot of bullies.yo u have to open the wound and pour salt and arsenic and poison in that wound and you must get out a needle and poke and prod then sew it back up again. And when I’m handed a beat that sounds amazing, that beat is the scissors, and then I cut the wound I’ve just sewn up, and I go back in. I go back in and I ask myself the same questions again and again and again: why am I here? Because I MUST be here. Because I know it is my purpose to be an artis t even thought I might be hurt inside. You can’t look me in the eye and tell me I’m one of them: I know I’m not. And I never will be. What was the purpose of this song? ...