Fate and Free Will: The Thief and the Dogs
How does Mahfouz illustrate how fate is a major determiner of one’s happiness in life?
Mahfouz, the author of The Thief and the Dogs, thoroughly present in his novel the idea that fate is a major determiner of one's happiness in life by presenting fate of the protagonist to be 'unlucky'.
Adding on, Mahfouz also allows the readers to accept the fate of Mahfouz due to the actions of those who were around him. This can be seen in two ways: the paths that the surrounding offer or the actions of Illish and Nabawiyaa that provoked emotion of revenge within Said. Even though Nur and the Sheikh was giving a path of love and forgiveness, Said had chosen to follow the path of revenge and violence towards his surroundings.
Mahfouz have illustrated his choice to be his fate as he was fated for his people to betray and have a dejected upbringing.
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