This interview is based on the song "Born This Way" (song that is written to criticize bullying" Why did you write this song? I wanted to speak out to bullies who makes people feel like a loser no matter how many people is a fan of you, or how many number one hits you have! Who was your worst bully at school? There were a lot of bullies.yo u have to open the wound and pour salt and arsenic and poison in that wound and you must get out a needle and poke and prod then sew it back up again. And when I’m handed a beat that sounds amazing, that beat is the scissors, and then I cut the wound I’ve just sewn up, and I go back in. I go back in and I ask myself the same questions again and again and again: why am I here? Because I MUST be here. Because I know it is my purpose to be an artis t even thought I might be hurt inside. You can’t look me in the eye and tell me I’m one of them: I know I’m not. And I never will be. What was the purpose of this song? ...
About me Hello :) My name is Cathy Jung (Seo yeon) It is my first year at Raha, and lived in Abu dhabi for 2 and a half year. My hobby is drawing and I want to be a graphic designer in the movies. My goal is to get in to my "dream" institute with a scholarship. About Language I decided to be in Lang&Lit because I believe that language has great significance in my life and that it will affect greatly in my future careers as well. In 21st century, everyone is becoming international. The first step of becoming a successful "international" person is to know the "international language"-English. Without knowing the language, one would not be able to communicate one's own thoughts and feelings. For instance, when I was 3, I went to United States. Obviously, I did not have any kind of knowledge with English. At preschool I always felt left out since I could not communicate- it took me years of studying. Thank you for reading and I inc...
What is the value of preserving indigenous language? Consider language as a living species. If an language dies out - extinction- what might be the cause of it? Probably that species was consumed by the predator tongue. The economic power, military power, and culture prestige decides whether or not the language will survive. When one species of animal dies out, it has the power to threaten the whole ecosystem and can even cause the world to diminish- whether or not that species was giant or small. This is the same for indigenous language - extinction of one language has great powers. As New Yorker Article says, " the loss of languages passed down for millennia, along with their unique arts and cosmologies, may have consequences that won’t be understood until it is too late to reverse them.” Indigenous ideas about certain topics have always been an important topic- especially the language. The language acts an important role when defining a culture. In other words, as language...
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