Subplots and Secondary characters in Things Fall Apart
With reference to Things Fall Apart, show how sub-plots or secondary characters contribute to the reader’s understanding and appreciation of the work as a whole.
These emotional description from the secondary character contributes to the readers' understanding of the work as it further establishes symbols and foreshadows main plot twists.
Adding on, the secondary characters tend to show various foils throughout the plot of Things Fall Apart. We can glean that these foils are placed to establish a contrast of Nigerian culture before and after colonization.
Furthermore, Achebe's use of sub-plots further contribute to a firm understanding of the reader. Achebe knew that his audience will be international readers where they do not have basic knowledge of the Igbo culture. Achebe have placed sub-plots to educate the readers with religious and cultural customs so that his audience can understand and appreciate the novel's full potential.
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