3월, 2017의 게시물 표시


They are all in chronological order so WATCH IT CHRONOLOGICALLY!!! Thank you :)

Coriolanus IOC practice annotations

These are my annotations for Practice IOC

Practice IOC - Coriolanus Act 3 Scene1

I say "um" for like 7457690 times... It might be a bit disturbing :( but I tried my best:)))))

Shakespeare’s theme of power in Coriolanus

In Shakespeare's play, Coriolanus , Shakespeare highlights each character's characterization, and its symbol for power. Coriolanus is symbolized with dragon, semi-god like figure as he fights with a power that no one can stop. Volumnia , on the other hand, is shown to be a powerful character that saves Rome without using force but by convincing her son, Coriolanus.   Aufidius is like Coriolanus as he is also a fierce warrior. Coriolanus's friend, Meninius , is shown to be a good speaker, and a wise person. On the other hand, the tribunes- Brutus and Sicinius-  shows opposite political spectrum to that of Coriolanus where they emphasize the voice of common people. At the end of the play, the "victory" is given to Aufidius and the tribunes by eliminating Coriolanus at the end. As this play was written in paradigm shift of Elizabethan era, he represents each character in different political sides. The play uses the protagonist, Coriolanus, to mirror King James